Remodeling Through Preservation-Based Renovation Model

Jordan Bagus, founder and creative director of Larapin design studio, is working through her business’ preservation-based real estate model to save character-filled homes from demolition and reconstruction. This means she purchases older residential propertied, restores them and resells them.

Denver publication, 5280, sat down with Bagus to detail a once-dilapidated City Park West home that she purchased for $350,000, fixed up, and sold for $690,000 in a lengthy conversation:

5280: What exactly is preservation-based real estate development?
Jordan Bagus: Preservation-based real estate development means that the work stems from the goal to preserve—it’s the driver in our decision-making process. Real estate development is inevitable; it’s important and necessary for growth. The problem is that so often the driver behind the real estate development is purely profit, which almost always produces structures that are poorly made and completely disassociated from the local surroundings. That’s not to say that Larapin doesn’t need to make a profit, it does—it’s a business. But the difference is that our business model prioritizes preservation first, with budget considerations following that. Our process is guided by the following questions: Will this preserve the architecture of the home? Will it respect the existing fabric of the community? Will it contribute to Denver in a positive way and help preserve its history? It’s a combination of common sense, creativity, and respect.

5280: What’s your design philosophy?
JB: First and foremost: Consider the context. I like to really tune in and let the house tell me what it needs versus coming in with a preconceived design agenda. Understanding the neighborhood, the architecture, the history, and even how the light comes in are all very important. My goal is for the home to feel soulful and intentional, always.

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